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Friday, June 20, 2014

How's Your Website 'About Us' Page?

I love 'about us' pages. Do you? When done well, they are powerful for communicating what a company and its people are all about.

Here are my thoughts on the website 'about us' page:

What are your reactions? Do you have some favorite 'about us' pages? Please do share them here.

Thanks for reading!



Friday, May 16, 2014

Simplicity Matters. Simple Marketing in Action from BRITE Conference

I recently revisited this article and found the observations about simplicity in marketing grounding.

Do you agree?

What current examples come to mind? What have you done recently to embrace greater simplicity in your marketing?

I would love to hear your take on the matter.

Thanks for reading!


C. B.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Building Trust to Generate Leads: an Inbound Marketing Definition

What's your preferred method for generating leads? Does it involve building trust?

In this article, I explore how building trust leads to leads. It's why I believe strongly in inbound marketing:

I welcome your thoughts.

Thanks for reading!



Friday, January 10, 2014

Getting Found Online Matters More Than Ever!

Yes. It does. Really. Check out my original article, titled:

(Here's a link to the latest GE study on the subject, titled GE Capital Retail Bank’s Second Annual Shopper Study which outlines the digital path to major purchases and confirms that 81% research Online before visiting store.)

Let me know what you think.

Thanks for reading!



Friday, November 15, 2013

What Makes for Digital Marketing Success?

This is the first year since 2006 that Bathroom Blogfest didn't take place for a number of reasons, not least of which had to do with life happening (see 7 Customer Experience Insights from Charity: Water).
That said, I enjoyed re-reading 7 Digital Marketing Musings after Bathroom Blogfest 2012 and being reminded how valuable an opportunity it has been to experiment and collaborate on this project.

Which, ultimately, is what is at the heart of digitally infused social interactions.

Let me know what you've learned as a result of your digital marketing experiments. What made them successful?

Thanks for reading.



Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Which Blogposts Do You Find Worth Reading?

I admire how Denise Lee Yohn highlights favorite blogposts in this article - which includes one of mine:

What's your reaction to this kind of listing? Is it helpful? Inspiring? Does it encourage you to discover new resources?

Let me know.

Thanks for reading!



Thursday, August 8, 2013

Learn How Nufloors Uses Social Media to Connect With Customers

Learn from a truly talented and passionate customer advocate. Here's an interview with Nufloors' Cynthia Dean on how she uses social media to connect with customers:

What have you found works in your organization?

Thanks for reading!



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