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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Simple Marketing Now Update - 11/23/11

Happy almost Thanksgiving to my U.S. based readers! What do you have planned for the holiday? In case you have time for some reading, here are ideas for you based on what I've published on the Simple Marketing Now website.

On Content Talks Business Blog, you'll find several blog articles having to do with 'getting started' a topic I'm getting more and more questions and comments about. If you can remember back to when you were new to blogs and social media, what did you find most helpful for exploring and getting immersed?
On Flooring The Consumer Blog, you'll find articles about the retail experience:
On the Social Flooring Index Blog, the November 2011 update is done. However, there' more relating to flooring and social media!
I welcome your comments and wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thank you for reading.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Practical Simple Marketing in the News - 11/18/11

Practical Simple Marketing In the News
Here are the 11/18/11 links and resources shared on Twitter and tagged #practicalmktr grouped here together in Practical Simple Marketing In The News.

Please note: I won't have a recap for you next Friday. Blame it on Thanksgiving :-). Enjoy and have a Great Thanksgiving for those of you in the U.S.!

Simple & Practical Marketing Data

  • In support of ZMOT: social media influences brand reputation. data #practicalmktr
  • The challenges of using a social network to market. Here moms have limited tolerance 

    Practical Marketing Advice

    • 15 social media marketing, measurement success questions fr ClickZ Yr favorite? 
    • Ignore Google+ at your own peril #practicalmktr
    • Have U set up a Google+ page? Reactions? #practicalmktr
    • Have U started updating yr Co LinkedIn status? Reactions? #practicalmktr
    • RT @chiefmartec: The Ten Commandments of an Awesome Lead-Generating Website via @KISSmetrics #practicalmktr

      Simple Marketing Inspiration

      • How does social media training fit into your business model? #practicalmktr
      • Insightful discussion re: Free/Not Free fr @socialmedia2day w Clay Shirky, IBM/Saul Berman #practicalmktrs
      • RT @samfiorella: I've taken back my Influence. Opted out of Klout. My Story: #bizforum #smchat #practicalmktr

        Brands Being Practical With Social Media

        • FastCo re: Facebook for the Famous gets at soc network terms of service & who owns what #practicalmktr Rxns?

        Here's a link to previous editions of Practical Simple Marketing In the News.

        Thank you for reading!

        If you enjoyed this post, consider subscribing to Simple Marketing Blog via email updates or RSS.



        Image credit: “#PracticalMktr” Wordle by CB Whittemore

        Friday, November 11, 2011

        Practical Simple Marketing in the News - 11/11/11

        Practical Simple Marketing In the News
        I missed last week's summary which means that you have two week's worth of delicious links and resources shared on Twitter and tagged #practicalmktr grouped here together in Practical Simple Marketing In The News for 11/11/11.


        Simple & Practical Marketing Data

        • Data on smartphone usage: now 62% reach of adults 25-24 #practicalmktr
        • Social media and TV watching: study shows correlation #practicalmktr
        • Infographic: search + social make good team More ZMOT support #practicalmktr
        • Consumer expectations re: Complaints on Twitter #practicalmktr
        • Luv this! Football tweets offer insight into harnessing Twitter #practicalmktr real-time benefits

          Practical Marketing Advice

          • Here's what will get your facebook page banned. Good #practicalmktr info:
          • Have you used any of these free Facebook for business apps? Livestream sounds interesting! #practicalmktr
          • Fabulous preso: @MarkJohnsonFAIA: Entire list of K&B Apps in this @slideshare presentation #kbtribechat
          • Selling w social media: attract, retain, convert, measure: #practicalmktr via @smexaminer

            Simple Marketing Inspiration

            • Intense social media customer service wisdom fr @frankeliason #practicalmktr
            • Fascinating take on telling stories: fear photos #practicalmktr
            • Interesting perspectives on NYT, value of a like, the App paradox, differnt approaches to mktng movies #practicalmktr
            • How social filter makes ad campaign mentality obsolete #practicalmktr
            • How not to make social media a waste of time #practicalmktr

              Brands and Products Being Practical With Social Media

              • KFC Twitter account has fun with @NYTChicken aka Sexy Chicken #practicalmktr
              • Disney Interactive VP speaks re future of #Mobile Advertising. Gr8 Interview #practicalmktr via @samfiorella:
              • Starwood, L'Oreal leverage social media for customer service, brand loyalty #practicalmktr
              • How philanthropists can make use of social media: #practicalmktr
              • Social business and banking: transforming banking with social media #practicalmktr
              • Were you aware? 8 web shows bigger than you think #practicalmktr
              • How much warthog food have you sold? when brands as publishers go wrong #practicalmktr
              • Using Twitter to sell ice cream treats #retailexp #practicalmktr

              Here's a link to previous editions of Practical Simple Marketing In the News.

              Thank you for reading!

              If you enjoyed this post, consider subscribing to Simple Marketing Blog via email updates or RSS.


              Image credit: “#PracticalMktr” Wordle by CB Whittemore

              Wednesday, November 9, 2011

              Simple Marketing Now Update - 11/9/11

              Simple Marketing Now Update - 11/9/11
              It's true! I've been terribly delinquent... Blame it on the freak 16 inches of snow during Halloween weekend which led to no power/Internet for a few days. And the intensity of Bathroom Blogfest 2012...

              In any case, I need to update you on blogging goings on and Simple Marketing Now. Note that I am gradually shifting publication of major articles onto the Simple Marketing Now website. [In fact, you'll notice that, in addition to Content Talks Business blog articles, the Social Flooring Index and Flooring The Consumer articles I describe below all appear on] I would love for you to follow me there when you are ready.

              I mentioned Bathroom Blogfest 2012. Did you follow all of the activity? Here is the link to the final Bathroom Blogfest 2012 recap:  ~ 45 fantastic blog articles published. I hope you get to check them out if you haven't already.

              In big news, I have updated the Social Flooring Index [last update was in April 2011]. One more article analyzing conversations will be ready tomorrow or so. In the meantime, check out the following:
              On the Content Talks Business Blog [I invite you to subscribe!], I've recently published the following articles you might be interested in:
              On Flooring The Consumer, the latest articles include:
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