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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Surfaces 2011 Workshop: Basics of Competitive Marketing

Surfaces 2011 Workshop: Basics of Competitive Marketing
Surfaces/StonExpo 2011 is right around the corner - January 24 through 27 [if you include Education Day] to be exact.  Time, then, to share information with you courtesy of's Kemp Harr about the three hour workshop titled Basics of Competitive Marketing taking place on 1/24/11.

Here is his description of the interview which you can access by clicking on this link:

Highlights of Surfaces Seminar on Branding, Web Marketing and Operations Excellence

Paul Friederichsen, Christine Whittemore and Scott Perron discuss the highlights of their Competitive Marketing Seminar scheduled for Monday, January 24 from 1 to 4 pm at the Mandalay Bay in Vegas as part of Surfaces 2011 Education Series. Listen to the interview to hear about the three areas of expertise that will be discussed--branding, web marketing and retail operations strategy.

By the way, in the interview we refer to a survey that we invite workshop participants to take. If you'd like to add your perspective to it, you are most welcome! Although designed with Surfaces/StonExpo attendees in mind, it's also relevant to small and medium businesses regardless of industry. It's a 10 question survey and should only take a few minutes. Here is the link; just click on it.

Oh, and THANK YOU!

To put the 2011 Basics of Competitive Marketing workshop into perspective, it represents the second time that the three presenters - Paul Friederichsen, Scott Perron and I - have collaborated at Surfaces to address marketing.  We each have distinct areas of expertise which we weave together for our workshop participants - primarily small business owners, retailers and distributors in flooring and stone - so they can apply the knowledge to their own businesses.

From our first joint workshop, you might enjoy these posts:
Marketing in a Recession - September Update
Marketing In A Recession - Strategy Series
Connecting with Retail Consumers - Marketing Strategy Series

I hope you enjoy the interview. If you plan on attending Surfaces/StonExpo, let me know.  Perhaps you might even attend the workshop....

This link takes you to the Surfaces Schedule at a Glance. You will need to register to attend.

P.S.: In addition to this workshop, I have two other presentations scheduled... on social media/content marketing and marketing to women/retail experience.

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