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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Content Talks Business Blog on

Content Talks Business Blog on
Change is afoot with Simple Marketing Now and I'd like to share that with you.  Namely, I've launched a new blog titled the Content Talks Business Blog. It's intensely focused on content marketing and social media marketing for business.

I'm still at the early stages of building content there and here is what I've published so far. Several of these posts may be of interest to you...

Generating Leads With Social Media relates to my presentation at MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2011.

At that same conference, I enjoyed hearing about Facebook success stories. Here is my recap: Facebook Marketing for Business Tips: MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2011.

I added to my How Do I? series with How Do I Get More Business? 13 Tips and summarized the series in 'How Do I' Social Media Marketing Series.

[BTW, I've been revisiting the How Do I? series and creating from it a series of Tip Sheets and Getting Started Guides that I'll share with you in more detail in a separate post.]

In B2B Social Media Assessment Questions, I recap many of the questions that come up during a client assessment session. I love the additions included in the comments! Perhaps you'll think of a few more to add.

If you're looking for practical SEO perspective, you'll enjoy The Business of SEO: Get Found which captures highlights from a CBSAC/NY event.

Finally, an official announcement - Press Release: 25 Women in Flooring Industry Includes Whittemore - about the news you read first in 25 Flooring Women to Reckon With! and a Welcome to the Content Talks Business Blog!

That's it for now...

I invite you to check out the Content Talks Business Blog.

Let me know what you think.

Do the blog articles bring to mind burning business topics you'd like me to address?

If you like what you see, perhaps you'll subscribe for updates and let others know, too.

Thank you!



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