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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Links of Note: Practical Marketing Lessons

rusty chain originally uploaded by shoothead.
As I've started doing at Flooring The Consumer, I'm sharing here Links of Note to other blog posts about marketing - simple, practical and relevant marketing - that I consider noteworthy and thought provoking.

Topping the list is a post from Paula Drum [whom I featured in CMO 2.0 Conversation with Paula Drum, H&R Block]. I came across it first on PR-Squared in 10 Tips for Social Media Marketers [and the original post on Paula Drum's Positively Paula Blog]. It's a must read particularly for marketers trying to make sense of social media and echoes my feelings about marketing with social media.

Paula's 10 tips include:
1. Every brand can and should be 'social'
2.Just get started.
3. Integrated marketing vs. social media
4. Find your brand's own path
5. Media $ versus human capital
6. Agencies play a great role, but the voice needs to be the company's
7. Your agency needs to walk the walk
8. Get legal involved early
9. Have a crisis management plan
10. Selling the C-Suite or ROI

Be sure to watch the Shift Happens video, too. I've seen it several times and, each time, it reminds me that these truly are remarkable times.

Next, Chris Abraham writes in Marketing Conversation that Social Media Marketing Spooks Brands, pointing to Tom Smith's Why Big Brands Struggle With Social Media. You'll note similarities to Drum's points.

Finally, one of my very favorite marketers, CK, writes this wonderful article on the MarketingProfs Daily Fix: What Marketers Can Learn from the Frozen Food Aisle. As she usually does, CK captures my attention and has me re-appreciating not just frozen food, but marketing. Her key takeaways:

+ Make the commitment to monitor.
+ Recognize others when they recognize you.
+ Syndicate In, not just Out.
+ Customize promotions in real time.
+ Understand that communities are formed around anything - yes, even frozen foods.
+ Think outside of the [frozen food] box.

What do you think of these practical marketing lessons? How might you apply them to your business?

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