[Check out Flooring The Consumer with Retail Experience links #retailexp, too!]
Simple & Practical Marketing Data
- Preposterous! RT @servantofchaos: Fascinating Facebook infographic http://su.pr/5FrZO8 #practicalmktr
- Both awesome & frightening. Incredible data re #practicalmktr social media http://ow.ly/4mrYG fr @GaryPHayes via @PFriederichsen
Practical Marketing Advice
LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Quora
- Have you experimenting with LinkedIn's new offering - LinkedIn Today? Here's official PR: http://ow.ly/4cChC #practicalmktr
- What's your reaction? LInkedIn Today plans on changing your social media life http://ow.ly/4dHUp #practicalmktr
- Check out LinkedIn Labs - which app do you like best? http://ow.ly/4k80O #practicalmktr via @dbreakenridge
- From #CMI @soloportfolio, advice on how to get meaning & content from Quora http://ow.ly/4ptMA #practicalmktr
- Have you read @marketingprofs Facebook Caveats fr Doug Karr @dknewmedia ? It's sobering! http://ow.ly/4jgx0 #practicalmktr
- More opportunities to ask questions... via Facebook! http://ow.ly/4mGL2 #practicalmktr
- Have you checked out the new Facebook Insights? Reactions? http://ow.ly/4n63Y #practicalmktr
- Insights fr eMarketer on who uses Twitter http://ow.ly/4lYFj #practicalmktr
- Could you survive without mobile apps? Which are your favorite for biz? http://ow.ly/4q1tV #practicalmktr
- 5 ways small businesses can use QR codes: http://ow.ly/4dg11 Love the biz card idea #practicalmktr
- Marvelous ideas for transforming your website into a social media hub http://ow.ly/4n68F #practicalmktr
Ideas for increasing fans, followers, subscribers:
- Good thoughts, CB. RT @CBWhittemore: What's your favorite advice for increasing fans, followers and subscribers? My post: http://ow.ly/4lx3Y
- Thks 4 adding yr advice RT @MikeMoore_: @CBWhittemore Engage, connect, communicate & relate...Take time to care about others! #practicalmktr
- 2 grow followers: RT @galkinelli: killer product + personality of people Bhind it. In mo boring terms "brand" & its culture! #practicalmktr
- RT @edgardiazemes: Exceptional customer service! that by itself increases fans, followers, contacts, subscribers, etc #practicalmktr
- H2 increase followers: RT @Abe_Cortes: @cbwhittemore quality relationships, conversations and patience. #practicalmktr
- Marvelous wisdom fr @bkmacdaddy on what 2 do w/followers you have http://ow.ly/4n6AQ #practicalmktr
Simple Marketing Inspiration
- Marvelous! RT @jaybaer: 3 Angles to Create Magnetic Content with the Triangle of Relevance http://tiny.ly/jWHb #practicalmktr
- RT @chrisbrogan: On @OPENForum , I wrote about a sales plan for social media. Friend First, Sell Later - http://ow.ly/4kE1y #practicalmktr
- I enjoyed this FastCo interview w @TomPeters re: In search of excellence http://ow.ly/4ekuS #practicalmktr
- I love reading about surveys like this: quality trumps quantity! http://ow.ly/4jJ0y #practicalmktr
About comments, trolls, complaints:
- Fabulous wisdom: RT @Worob: RT @DannyBrown Of Comment Trolls and Flash Mobs | Danny Brown http://bit.ly/enGMs7 #practicalmktr
- Why anonymous comments should be banished: "troll, reveal thyself" http://ow.ly/4dg8t #practicalmktr
- RT @wilsonellis: Responding to negative reviews increase customer loyalty http://om.ly/BPvwX #practicalmktr CB: Brilliant!
- Search, mobile and complaints, an evolution http://ow.ly/4jgtu #practicalmktr
Brands Being Practical With Social Media
- Enjoyed this interview w @Century 21 Bev Thorne re: using social media to connect with home buyers http://ow.ly/48Wwn #practicalmktr
- I'm not sure I could sustain a convo w/ Ken even if he is turning 50 and doing social media: http://ow.ly/4aweF #practicalmktr
- Love this use of QR codes to access fresh content related to #AORN2011 congress: http://ow.ly/4hvxS #practicalmktr
- Gr8 example of how to meld TV program w social media: Anthony Bourdain @NoReservation #practicalmktr http://ow.ly/4n6eS
- Fascinating! Google project oxygen on h2 become a better manager http://ow.ly/4ekEe #practicalmktr [note reg may b requ'd]
- @WholeFoods Marla Erwin is wonderfully wise: 6 ways to avoid social media catastrophe http://ow.ly/4pZR1 #practicalmktr
- Interesting discussion online/offline RT @David_Rogers: Pastor: Don't Give Up #SocialMedia For Lent [NPR] http://n.pr/eCdtPy #practicalmktr
- Fascinating interview w/ Joe Fernandez about Klout influence scores http://ow.ly/4kn8h #practicalmktr
- How blackberry used video to engage NHL sports loving young men http://ow.ly/4lZnq #practicalmktr
- How Ford blends digital with branded content - interview w Scott Kelly http://ow.ly/4ipfd #practicalmktr | kitchendsns_com Mar 21, 9:52am via web - @CBWhittemore Interesting how effective the FB Explorer was. Great article! Thanks for sharing.
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Image credit: “#PracticalMktr” Wordle by CB Whittemore
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